Fast Five Friday: Writing Tips

Dear God, it's finally Friday! After having Wednesday off, Thursday was Monday.

It's time for a Fast Five run! Fast Five Fridays are created by the Cover Girls, Dani and Jax, and you can visit them anytime to see the list of questions as well as their answers!

This week, in honor of NaNoWriMo, they would like us to provide 5 tips for writing. I'll give it a try!

1. Write what you love.
2. Never give up.
3. Always keep learning.
4. Don't try to be any other writer but YOU.
5. Love what you write.


Heather R. Holden said...

Great tips! (I must admit, my depression makes #5 hard, a lot of the time...LOL.)

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with number one. If you don't write what you love, it shows.