Fast Five Friday: To Be Read

Brought to us by Dani and Jax, the Cover Girls!

Happy Friday!

This was one of those weeks that didn't seem to want to end. But it's almost over, and after next week, I get to use my first PTO hours! And have a three day work week! It's the little things, people.

Anyway, on most Fridays I try to participate in Dani and Jackie's Fast Five Friday, a quick 5-answer list based on a question they provide. This one is easy, because I just have to look at my Goodreads (I could also look in my moon chair and on my bed, but I'll use Goodreads).

5 books on your TBR list to read before we hit 2017

Whereaftter by Terri Bruce
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
A Girl if A Half-formed Thing by Eimear McBride

Pick up the pace, Deb!

What about you guys?

Tuesday Tales: Around the House with Cyan

Let me try to get this out really quickly. I need to remember to schedule these Monday night, but I decided to look at my mom, then watch Too Close to Home lol.

Using the Gotham Character Questionnaire, I've been asking my characters the following question, which I will now ask Cyan.

What is in your character's refrigerator right now? On [his] bedroom floor? On [his] nightstand? In [his] garbage can?

We now have only half as many pounds of elk's meat that Ghuli* mentioned before. The seaduck is also gone. She's tiny, but she eats about as much as I do. We still have a bushel of apples and some sweet leaves left. The nursemaids will replenish our stock in a day or so. There is enough sheep's milk for another Athwart Stew, howbeit, so I shouldn't hear much from Ghuli...Shouldn't.

Sir Aleksandyr used to tell me a spotless floor made for a living watch, so I have nothing on it. As Ghuli is still alive, I will not apologize.

On my nighstand is a wrinkled photograph of my parents. I look like my dad, but his eyes are dark brown. My mom had blue eyes. I don't remember much of them, but this photograph helps me at times. There is also a small vial of white paint, as well as some paint splatters. Ghuli was painting a wooden doll or something of that sort in here.

My garbage can is a bit of an embarrassment. I oft forget to change it. 'Tis currently filled with a number of bandages--Ghuli almost always damages herself falling from trees--apple cores, a pair of my old boots, and an old t-shirt I believe Ghuli used to "protect" my nightstand while she was painting on it. Why I let her do these things I will never know.

*This post occurred before I changed Ghuli's name to Jonnie*

Fast Five Friday: Flashback!

Happy Friday!

The Cover GirlsDani and Jax, created Fast Five Fridays for us to list our 5 favorites of the week's topic if we like.Today, I'm actually jumping back to July, because I've been slacking on reading blogs and missed a couple questions I could have answered. So let's do the time warp!

July 5th - 5 Top Soundtracks:
Spice World (don't judge me)
Purple Rain
Forrest Gump
Beauty & The Beast (I listened to that thing so much when I was a kid)

July 19th - 5 Things You Want To Accomplish Before The Year Is Up:
Getting an agent
Getting a book deal
Buying Final Fantasy XV
Buying a PS4 to play FF XV lol
Get to my goal weight

How about you?

Tuesday Tales: Around the House with Brodie


I forgot I was in the middle of a question before I asked a different question last week. Using the Gotham Character Questionnaire, I asked Ghuli* and Andyrsn what was around their homes, and now I'll ask Brodie.

What is in your character's refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her nightstand? In her garbage can?

Refrigerator...Oh. The others are so silly. An icebox. It refrigerates things. They didn't think about it. It is late Spring here, so I have a lot of white peaches I need to slice, capon, leafy greens, mushrooms. I have a little bit of cream. I should go get more. I also have marbled bread. It lasts longer when it is cold. Eastward is humid most of the time.

I have several shell casings on my bedroom floor, and a pile of gun cloths I keep forgetting to pick up. I am just so sleepy when I return from practicing, and when I wake up, I have to be in the temple. Blah.

A picture of my parents is on my nightstand...I also have small hair bands and pins, and a sketch my eldest sister drew me when I was younger. It is of the Northern Crystal Palace. She composed it from a group of old photographs in my mother's belongings.

I just emptied my garbage, but I believe it was nothing but ruined pages from my current history book. We had a heavy storm, and there was a leak in the roof the other night, right over my desk. I had two months of events I needed to record all over again. Fortunately, I have a photographic memory, but it was such a waste of time.

*This post occurred before I changed Ghuli's name to Jonnie*

Wednesday Words: Three Parts Dead

Happy Wednesday!

I can't remember a Wednesday where I wasn't reading On Writing, but finally here we are! This week, I am reading Max Gladstone's Three Parts Dead. The cover intrigued me. Rarely do I see a cover with a black woman on it that isn't in the African American Literature section of the bookstore. This was in my library in the Science Fiction/Fantasy section.

So, I'm really enjoying this book so far and don't want to spoil anything for myself. Therefore, I'm glad when I put the page numbers in, they gave me page 15. Let's see what's there for me to share with you.

They were buried without coffins, so the soil would reclaim their bodies faster and leech the poison magic from them. Tara hadn't even needed to bring a crowbar. Pulling the corpses out of the hole was harder than she expected, though.

Yeah, that was an interesting page. lol

What are you reading?

Tuesday Tales: Hair & Eyes

Happy Tuesday!

Using the Gotham Character Questionnaire that I've been using the past couple of weeks, we're going to dive right in to this supposedly simple question: What is your character's hair color? Eye color?

Brodie: I believe our hair colors are pretty standard. Dark brown.

Andyrsn: Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary here, dark brown hair and eyes on me. Though we don't have a lot of redheads on the island, so Laris would get a lot of attention.

Laris: That is odd. Many Sprites from the trees and bays have red hair.

Ghuli*: I have always liked your eyes, Laris.

L: Why, thank you, my lady.

B: Sprites' eyes are unique. They are a rich, emerald green.

L: Scholars of old believed 'tis the color of the healing energy of Teorre, which we possess as Sprites. Thus, our eyes are this color.

A: You can tell who a lot of Brodie's family is by their eyes.

G: Brodie's eyes are a beautiful light brown, nearly golden.

L: You do have lovely eyes, Madame Brodie.

B: Thank you. Ghuli's eyes are an interesting shade of hazel. Crystal Bearers all had dark eyes and hair, even the fair ones. Ghuli may have the lightest of eye shades, even as dark as her eyes are.

A: Yeah, you don't notice they aren't brown unless you're really close enough...Which I try not to be. Cyan sees all.

G: Speaking of Cyan...

Cyan: I was hoping no one would bring me into this.

G: Stop it. It was tradition in Cyan's family to wait until their babies' eye colors developed to name them, and they would name them accordingly. Cyan's eyes are bright blue.

A: Paired with his pale hair and snow tan, they do stand out.

C: Stop looking at my eyes, Andyrsn.

*This post occurred before I changed Ghuli's name to Jonnie*

Fast Five Friday

Brought to you by Dani and Jax, the Cover Girls!

I didn't do Fast Five last Friday, so I'm going to go ahead and do it now. Woot! Dani and Jackie would like to know "5 things you wish you knew how to do."

A back-flip
Drive like they do in Tokyo Drift
A front stroke
Sew better
Writer faster

In other news: Dover Comic Con starts tonight, and I can't wait! I wanted to dress up as Zoe from Firefly/Serenity, but I didn't have time to get that all together. Really, I just need a wine-colored button-down shirt, gun holster, fake gun, and a wig, but...Ah well. lol Maybe next year.

IWSG: Conversations

Brought to us by Alex J. Cavanaugh,
sensei and founder of the Insecure Writer's Support Group.

Just want to share the conversation I had Sunday evening, because I know I'm not the only one whose had it. Scene: friend from school/church comes to visit and is getting an update on our goals (K). Other participants, cousin (C) and sister (A).

K: So, how is your writing? When is the book coming out?

C: Right, everyone forgets Deborah's been writing a book for like the last 10 years!

Me: Well, I started writing it on my break before college.

C: And how long ago was that?

Me: ...Well, 12 years.

A: Wait, you've been writing it for 12 years!?

Me: Well, as I was saying, I started it before college, WENT to college, and then finished writing right after, but when you have beta readers and editors look at it, it still needs work.

A: She's probably editing it to death and doesn't need to.

C: Right.

Me: But anyway, I'm entering it into a Twitter contest this week, because that's the thing nowadays, but I also want to query it to agents who will help find a publisher.

C or K (not sure anymore): You should probably just submit it straight to a publisher.

C or K: Eliminate the middle man.


So anyway, the IWSG question this month is: What was your very first piece of writing? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been published?

My first piece of writing was in a plain white book they gave us in the first grade. They told us we could write about anything. I wrote about my big sister and did some awful illustrations lol. I have zero idea where that little book is now.

I hope to get around to some other blogs this week, so see you soon. :)

Tuesday Tales: Around the House with Andyrsn

Hello! I'm late, but work is hectic right now (I had wild dreams about putting together binders last night). I'm continuing with the Gotham Character questionnaire, and so today, we'll check with Andyrsn to see what all is in his house.

What is in your character's refrigerator right now? On [his] bedroom floor? On [his] nightstand? In [his] garbage can?

Hi again. Ghuli* said a refrigerator is an ice box, so on Viveno Island, we actually don't have those. We hunt and cook our foods fresh. About an hour or two is spent on this just before sunrise. We do have a bunch of fruit in a slotted crate, though.

On my bedroom floor right now are wet clothes I need to hang out to dry. My brothers, sis-in-law, and I just got back from surfing with the girls (my nieces). There's a box cutter on the floor, too. I always end up with one in here. They're supposed to stay at the storage market. Gotta take that back.

On my nightstand are a bunch of clay knick knacks the girls made me. I have a box of those in the corner. They always bring me back something from their crafts class. Persephone is a better sculptor, but Penelope paints better, so they make their trinkets together. Saves space at least.

In the trash are a bunch of bloody tissues and gauze. One of the waves took us all out, and our boards cut us up pretty bad on the crash. Good times.

*This post occurred before I changed Ghuli's name to Jonnie*