March Writing Update

Happy Wednesday!

I forgot about Wednesday Words last week, but I've been reading very sporadically this year, so I'm unfortunately on the same book I was reading February. I've been writing at a better pace, though, so at least I have that.

I hope everyone hasn't already gone stir-crazy with the quarantines and states of emergency. As a writer, reader, and a gamer, it's easy to say this is what I've prepared for my entire life, but there are extroverts and people with social depression out there who need the interaction with others. On the bright side, I heard on the radio that China only had one new case, so hopefully the end is near soon. Until it is, I get to telecommute three of my five work days, so I'll be . . . doing about the same amount of work, really, just while I'm also doing laundry.

Yesterday, I joined a potential Instagram hop for authors of color, so hopefully we have enough to get that ball rolling. There's also a book giveaway attached to that, and because I purchased books for my church's Black History exhibit, I actually have one left that I can use for this!

Have a safe rest of the week!

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's good you get to work from home a couple days. Yes, hopefully this is slowing down really soon, but in the USA we probably have a couple more weeks of crazy.