Weekly Words: My Laptop Has Returned!


I'm sure you're wondering, "Where did it go?" About a month ago, my laptop had an update. After it was done, I was on it for a little bit, walked away as one does, and it went to sleep and would not wake back up. I could only access the BIOS! It was quite stressful. Fortunately, I had a few days left of my free support, so I shipped it to HP, and they reimaged the whole thing. Extra fortunately, all my stories, WIPs, and audio files from recording are in the cloud, so I only have to worry about re-downloading my Discord and gaming apps. If that wasn't a sign to finish this audiobook, I don't know what would be!

I've been doing a lot of writing, to the point that I'm almost finished the second part of the book. This really excites me, because I've had the first chapter of the third part written for MONTHS now. Once I get there, I hope I can get the last part completed fast. Figuring this book out was a chore, especially after I never expected to write a sequel! I'm getting antsy to work on my other projects.

I finished Mo Dao Zu Shi the novel. I hope to start the manhua this year, but I'm going to read some other books first. I might even do a classic Weekly Words next week. I started a new book, but I'm currently in the introduction, so I really have to force myself to read it right now. I also have to start editing a dissertation for someone and have a book club book for my church music ministry, so it might take longer to read a book for fun.

Anyhow, that's what I have going on right now. It shouldn't take me another two months before I post again, but at this point, you all know me. Unless you're a new reader from Bluesky or Tumblr. Then, hello! I'm inconsistent. Sorry in advance. 

Quarterly Goals


Happy New Year! How was everyone's Fall, Thanksgiving, ChristmaChanaKwanzakuh? I was supposed to do a Goals post Black Friday, but I was on vacation. So much stuff has happened everywhere since my August post, but as for me, here's what I got done.

I FINISHED RECORDING THE AUDIOBOOK! I cried a little when I did. I didn't think I would get it done. So now that I've had some time away from it, I'm going to start editing and most definitely re-record Cyan's chapters, if not Andyrsn's. I think I was okay with his, but I might've leaned more Kiwi than I wanted. I have to listen back. As for Cyan's, I was trying to voice his low, and it even felt like I was vocally fried, so I'm sure it sounds that way.

Last week, I realized I'm on the tail end of the second part of this book! I think it's going to be a bit shorter than Fractured Princess, but that's not a bad thing. I can only torture Jonnie so much, after all haha. When I finish the book completely, I'll reveal the new title. I don't remember if I did a mockup cover post for FP, so I'll have to check. If I did, it's easy to create (thanks, Paint 3D). I've landed on the third book title, too. Going to keep it simple, but that's for another post down the line.

I didn't hit my reading goal, but I've started strong this month. StoryGraph has a 1-Page a Day challenge for January, and I've been reading way more than that. I'm going to try to keep it up after this month. It'll be my one of two resolutions I don't normally do. The other is just eating healthier, but a church fast has started me doing that anyway.

Back in September, I started training to be a Zumba Instructor again. Being a ZIN was something I've missed doing, and they have a giveaway just about every quarter to do a training, and I won (I think it was) 80% off, so I couldn't pass that up.

BlueSky finally opened up (ha) for everyone, so I was able to create an account finally! Which was apparently great timing, because with Tiktok being banned for fake reasons, Bezos supporting felons for president, and Zuckerberg believing Fact-checking is skewed (that's what happens when one party lies THAT much), I've deleted my Goodreads and Meta accounts. I have no choice but to hold on to Amazon at the moment, but seeing how they're monopolizing so many markets is troubling. So, I've updated my Linktree to reflect all of the changes. I don't even know how many people still use Blogger; I've seen Substacks and other pay blogs popping up, but I appreciate the availability of a site that is free to readers still, so here is where I'll stay. I also heard Twitch finally created a tag for books, so there's a chance I'll do more with my Twitch account. We shall see!

Goals for this next quarter: Finish editing the audiobook. Finish Book 2. That's good enough for me!